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Cloudy Urine in Pregnancy

The Bump

It’s common to experience cloudy urine during pregnancy. There are several reasons for this, including dehydration and vaginal discharge. According to Amy Wetter, M.D., a board-certified OBGYN at Northside Women’s Specialists, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group, not taking in enough fluids can cause your urine to become more concentrated, which makes it look darker. “It’s common in early pregnancy due to dehydration, likely from nausea and/or vomiting, and changes in normal vaginal discharge due to hormones,” said Dr. Wetter. You might notice an increase in vaginal discharge. “This discharge may fall into the toilet and make the urine look cloudy,” says Wetter. While increased discharge can sometimes be a sign of vaginal infection, it’s typically paired with other symptoms such as irritation, itching or odor.


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