The Center for Voiding Dysfunction at Pediatrix® Urology of Central Texas is a comprehensive clinic devoted to helping children and their families overcome a wide variety of urinary issues. These include daytime or nighttime wetting (enuresis), urinary urgency, frequency and pain and recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs).

What is Voiding and Enuresis?

Voiding dysfunction is a term used by doctors and nurses to describe abnormal emptying of the bladder. Enuresis, also a medical term, is a type of voiding dysfunction that refers to involuntary urination or “wetting.” Most children have control of their bladders by age 4 for daytime control and by age 6 for nighttime control.


Evaluation and Treatment

There are many reasons why children have wetting accidents, urinary pain or recurrent infections. Sorting out the issues and developing a plan to make them stop is our team’s goal for your child.

A clinician will do a thorough evaluation and physical exam during your visit. We also use tools, such as voiding and elimination diaries, to help us get a better sense of your child’s bathroom use and how often your child has accidents. For children with recurrent UTIs, we work closely with their other medical providers to tailor a plan that is appropriate for your child and family.

After your child’s evaluation, we may recommend a variety of different management plans or tests. This may be as simple as changing your child’s bathroom patterns and diet or more involved like pelvic floor therapy, biofeedback or our pediatric gastrointestinal (GI) care clinic.

To learn more about voiding dysfunction and treatment options through the pediatric urology experts at Pediatrix Urology of Central Texas, an Austin-area pediatric urology group caring for patients from newborn to 18 years, please call 512-472-6134 or request an appointment online today.