The expectant birth of a child can be an exciting time for many families. However, when there is a potential medical problem with the baby, those emotions may turn to fear and anxiety. Our goal is to offer support and educate families whose children are diagnosed with a congenital urologic issue.


Our physicians meet with you and your family before your child is born to formulate a management plan for your baby and to discuss the needs of your family. This often includes coordinating care with the mother’s obstetrician, the baby’s pediatrician and, in some cases, the neonatal intensive care units throughout Central Texas. We also help coordinate care with other pediatric specialists as needed. Our center will help arrange urologic follow-up and imaging tests after the baby is born.

Findings on ultrasound to consider urologic prenatal counseling, include:

  • Extra fluid in the kidneys (hydronephrosis)
  • Extra fluid in the ureters (tubes that carry the urine to the bladder)
  • Abnormal location of the kidneys
  • Abnormal genital organs
  • One kidney (renal agenesis)
  • Abnormal or enlarged bladder
  • Spina bifida or spinal anomalies that can affect bladder function

How does urologic prenatal counseling work?

Once an expectant mother is diagnosed with concern for a urologic abnormality, it may be recommended that the family meet with a pediatric urologist prior to the child’s birth. The pediatric urologist then reviews the imaging studies and ultrasound findings with the family to give a detailed and understandable explanation as to what to expect for their child. If necessary, additional specialists are included in the child’s care. A post-birth plan is devised so families know what to expect once their child is born. This plan may include imaging studies, medications or needed surgeries. To make an appointment, please call 512-472-6134 or request an appointment online.