Pediatrix® Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Savannah offers a comprehensive evaluation of your baby’s head shape. We listen to your concerns and work with you to develop a treatment plan specific to your baby’s unique needs.

Using FDA-approved STARscannerTM and SmartSoc® technologies enables us to quickly, safely and easily capture a 3D surface scan of your baby’s head. 

With your baby’s comfort in mind, we use STARband, the world’s most prescribed cranial-remodeling orthosis (helmet), and other advanced cranial-remolding products to achieve the most desirable results. 

Our custom-made cranial-remolding helmets gently conform to your baby’s head, providing a comfortable fit while allowing the skull to grow and reshape. 

Treatment with a helmet generally takes three months on average. Our specialists work with various orthotic partners to ensure your baby’s treatment needs are met. They also monitor and assess your infant’s progress throughout the entire treatment. Even if your child’s care begins with another provider, our specialists can see them through the end of their treatment. 

Schedule an appointment with our team at Pediatrix Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Savannah at 912-228-4605 or complete the “Contact Us” form on our website.

Your Baby’s Head Shape

The skull is the bony protection for your baby’s brain. During birth, the areas of fibrous connective tissue (cranial sutures) that hold the developing bones together are open (Fontanels) and allow the bones to move closer together to ease the passage through the birth canal. During and after birth, your baby’s head is soft and susceptible to external pressures.

Have you noticed that your baby’s head has flat spots, unevenness or differences between sides?

Parents and caregivers are naturally concerned if they observe flat spots on their baby’s head. Talk to your pediatrician and your pediatric craniofacial surgeon about your baby’s head shape. They may diagnose your baby with a common and treatable condition called positional skull deformity. 

What causes positional deformity?

  • Conditions in the womb — Restrictions such as small pelvis or multiple babies.
  • Prematurity — Cranial bones are softer and more easily deformed.
  • Sleeping position — One favored position while asleep and a limited amount of tummy time.
  • Overuse of carriers — Infant seats, swings and strollers.
  • Torticollis — A common condition that is caused by tightening and/or weakness of the neck muscles. Infants can be born with torticollis or develop it due to preferred positions of postures. Your craniofacial surgeon may assess your baby’s neck and provide recommendations to treat any weakness and/or tightness and monitor changes. Early screening and intervention can reduce the severity of torticollis.

Treatment Options

During the first three to four months of age, the first course of action is to reposition your baby, avoiding the favored position and increasing your baby’s tummy time. For infants with moderate to severe head-shape deformities, repositioning and tummy time alone may not be effective and may require cranial orthosis treatment.

Your pediatrician or craniofacial specialist may recommend:

  • “Tummy Time” — When your baby is awake, place him or her on the tummy to help prevent head flattening. Tummy time also helps improve muscle strength and promotes learning and discovering different environments.
  • Repositioning — Changing the direction your baby sleeps, plays, bathes and eats can reduce the severity and improve the overall head shape in some cases.
  • Therapy — Infants born with neck and trunk tightness or weakness can develop a preferred posture. Physical or occupational therapy can help your infant reposition and turn their head more easily.
  • Cranial remolding orthosis (helmet therapy) — Starting helmet therapy between 3 and 12 months yields the best results but can be used on infants up to 18 months. This timeframe captures rapid cranial growth, and the orthosis directs the growth toward greater skull symmetry and proportion.
  • Our cranial helmet treatment program includes:
  • Initial office visit — First evaluation/scan/ recommendations.
  • Follow-up visit — Imaging review/follow-up scan/referrals.
  • Helmet scan — Ordering recommended helmet and fitting.

Schedule an appointment with our team at Pediatrix Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Savannah at 912-228-4605 or complete the “Contact Us” form on our website.