Botox injection therapy

You may have heard of BOTOX® as a cosmetic treatment, but did you know it has medical uses as well? Pediatrix Neurology and Epilepsy of Florida is well qualified in the use of botulinum toxin, more commonly known as Botox. Botox is a powerful neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that causes food poisoning (botulism). There are seven known types of botulinum toxin, but only types A (cosmetic) and B (neuromuscular) are used for medicinal purposes.

Botox injection therapy has been used in the field of neuroscience to treat many neurological disorders. Botulinum toxins are safe and effective for medical treatment when given in very small doses by a board-certified neurologist.

Botox injection therapy has been used to treat many neurological disorders, including:

  • Blinking or twitching of the muscles on one side of the face
  • Dystonia (involuntary muscle contractions)
  • Spasticity from strokes, multiple sclerosis and brain injuries
  • Pathologically abnormal sweating or drooling
  • Headaches, migraines and other painful conditions

The aim of using botulinum is to decrease muscle spasms and pain in patients.

Neurons generate new nerve endings that reactivate, so treatment is usually repeated every three to four months. Physical or occupational therapy is also used to stretch and restore normal muscle function.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment to determine if Botox therapy is right for you.

To learn more about the medical uses of Botox, visit