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Blake Koch was born at 24 weeks in 2019 weighing less than a pound. At the time, she was the smallest baby cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at the Children's Hospital of Savannah, where she spent the first five months of her life. “We say every day is life and death in the NICU, and that really is truth, and we don’t take that lightly,” said Bradley Buckler, M.D., a neonatologist and medical director at Pediatrix® Neonatology of Georgia. “We understand that we are holding someone’s baby in our hands trying to provide the best care we can, and to be able to see the outcome of that, to be able to see how well these babies do long term is really just tremendous,” said Dr. Buckler. Today, Blake is a thriving five-year-old. She’s in kindergarten, loves dance and soccer and can keep up with her peers in a way that no one would ever know what she overcame.
View the full story on WTOC Morning Break