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HMPV is currently on the rise in China and India. "HMPV stands for human metapneumovirus, which is a respiratory virus typically seen in the winter season," said Zachary Hoy, M.D., an infectious disease specialist at Pediatrix® Centennial Hospitalist of Nashville. "It can especially infect people in the extremes of age old or young or anyone with a weakened or suppressed immune system,” said Dr. Hoy. “It is in the same family as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and can cause many similar symptoms.” While HMPV infection most commonly results in a cold, some patient populations are more susceptible to severe symptoms. "In younger children or children with compromised immune systems it can sometimes cause bronchiolitis, which is a lower respiratory tract infection that may require a patient to be seen in the emergency room and started on oxygen," noted Dr. Hoy.
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