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New Research on Pumping and Human Milk


There are positive new findings on the benefits of pumping and human milk for newborns. One study found that people who used pumps provided human milk to their children significantly longer than those who did not, and the other showed that human milk was better for infants’ intestinal development than formula. “I encourage all [parents] to breastfeed and/or pump to provide breast milk for their babies and to give themselves grace if they can’t provide human milk exclusively for their baby,” said Jenelle Ferry, M.D., a board-certified neonatologist and director of feeding, nutrition and infant development at Pediatrix® Neonatology of Florida. “We are fortunate to have safe alternatives with formula,” said Dr. Ferry. “Breast milk definitely has benefits that can’t be replicated by formula, and formula will still ensure that a baby gets appropriate nutrition to grow and thrive.”


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